Jean-Dominique Michel

Co-founder and Partner at BrainFIT Insititute

Jean-Dominique has practiced for over twenty years as an executive coach and a consultant in human performance and business anthropology for companies including global leaders in their fields. A specialist of salutogenesis (an approach focusing on factors that support human health and well-being). Jean-Dominique points out that vibrant health is always a prerequisite for peak performance: sustainable long-run results for any athlete, champion, entrepreneur, team or company depend on securing a dynamic state of global health.

Having pioneered several highly-innovative empowerment programs for communities and organizations (among which social responsibility programs for the gaming industry and recovery-oriented services for academic hospitals and public services), Jean-Dominique is at the forefront of the development of practical neurosciences for thriving corporate culture.

He holds university degrees in socio-anthropology, cinematography, theater arts and ethnolinguistic, as well as a Master’s degree in medical anthropology from the University of Montreal & London Psycho-physics Academy. He has been an invited professor at 15+ European universities and a special advisor to several governments and international organizations. A highly appreciated public speaker, Jean-Dominique is also on-demand by Swiss and French media and is a permanent consultant for the Swiss national television program on the economy.

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