The Bookstore

It’s a profound and explosive shift for your mind – Your neurons will fire, stimulating new connections and mind-blowing pathways creating a new perspective on how to approach work and in life.

BrainFIT: Master your brain, Master your life is a not about doing more and working harder, but having the best life possible, with less effort. The author’s brilliantly assembled the latest neuroscience research to develop this guide so you can access on demand The Power of 5’s interconnected brain systems.

In this book you will learn how to increase your motivation, positive thinking, intuition, self-awareness, and coherence. And, as you do, you become more awareness of each level individually and collectively to help you address your challenges in the present moment. Using a blend of innovative strategies in a set that is organic and easy to apply and where every practice is in synergy with the other ones. To thrive. To set goals for something worthy. Without inner conflict. And, achieve coherence. A state in which you’ll often have strikes of genius.